Chapter 12. Package Repositories and the Inputs Design Pattern

Welcome to the 12th Nix pill. In the previous 11th pill, we stopped packaging and cleaned up the system with the garbage collector.

This time, we will resume packaging and improve different aspects of it. We will also demonstrate how to create a repository of multiple packages.

12.1. Repositories in Nix

Package repositories in Nix arose naturally from the need to organize packages. There is no preset directory structure or packaging policy prescribed by Nix itself; Nix, as a full, functional programming language, is powerful enough to support multiple different repository formats.

Over time, the nixpkgs repository evolved a particular structure. This structure reflects the history of Nix as well as the design patterns adopted by its users as useful tools in building and organizing packages. Below, we will examine some of these patterns in detail.

12.2. The single repository pattern

Different operating system distributions have different opinions about how package repositories should be organized. Systems like Debian scatter packages in several small repositories (which tends to make tracking interdependent changes more difficult, and hinders contributions to the repositories), while systems like Gentoo put all package descriptions in a single repository.

Nix follows the "single repository" pattern by placing all descriptions of all packages into nixpkgs. This approach has proven natural and attractive for new contributions.

For the rest of this pill, we will adopt the single repository pattern. The natural implementation in Nix is to create a top-level Nix expression, followed by one expression for each package. The top-level expression imports and combines all package expressions in an attribute set mapping names to packages.

In some programming languages, such an approach -- including every possible package description in a single data structure -- would be untenable due to the language needing to load the entire data structure into memory before operating on it. Nix, however, is a lazy language and only evaluates what is needed.

12.3. Packaging graphviz

We have already packaged GNU hello. Next, we will package a graph-drawing program called graphviz so that we can create a repository containing multiple packages. The graphviz package was selected because it uses the standard autotools build system and requires no patching. It also has optional dependencies, which will give us an opportunity to illustrate a technique to configure builds to a particular situation.

First, we download graphviz from gitlab. The graphviz.nix expression is straightforward:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  mkDerivation = import ./autotools.nix pkgs;
in mkDerivation {
  name = "graphviz";
  src = ./graphviz-2.49.3.tar.gz;

If we build the project with nix-build graphviz.nix, we will get runnable binaries under result/bin. Notice how we reused the same autotools.nix of hello.nix.

By default, graphviz does not compile with the ability to produce png files. Thus, the derivation above will build a binary supporting only the native output formats, as we see below:

$ echo 'graph test { a -- b }'|result/bin/dot -Tpng -o test.png
Format: "png" not recognized. Use one of: canon cmap [...]

If we want to produce a png file with graphviz, we must add it to our derivation. The place to do so is in autotools.nix, where we created a buildInputs variable that gets concatenated to baseInputs. This is the exact reason for this variable: to allow users of autotools.nix to add additional inputs from package expressions.

Version 2.49 of graphviz has several plugins to output png. For simplicity, we will use libgd.

12.4. Passing library information to pkg-config via environment variables

The graphviz configuration script uses pkg-config to specify which flags are passed to the compiler. Since there is no global location for libraries, we need to tell pkg-config where to find its description files, which tell the configuration script where to find headers and libraries.

In classic POSIX systems, pkg-config just finds the .pc files of all installed libraries in system folders like /usr/lib/pkgconfig. However, these files are not present in the isolated environments presented to Nix.

As an alternative, we can inform pkg-config about the location of libraries via the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. We can populate this environment variable using the same trick we used for PATH: automatically filling the variables from buildInputs. This is the relevant snippet of

for p in $baseInputs $buildInputs; do
  if [ -d $p/bin ]; then
    export PATH="$p/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH"
  if [ -d $p/lib/pkgconfig ]; then
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$p/lib/pkgconfig${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:}$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"

Now if we add derivations to buildInputs, their lib/pkgconfig and bin paths are automatically added in

12.5. Completing graphviz with gd

Below, we finish the expression for graphviz with gd support. Note the use of the with expression in buildInputs to avoid repeating pkgs:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  mkDerivation = import ./autotools.nix pkgs;
in mkDerivation {
  name = "graphviz";
  src = ./graphviz-2.49.3.tar.gz;
  buildInputs = with pkgs; [
    (pkgs.lib.getLib gd)
    (pkgs.lib.getDev gd)

We add pkg-config to the derivation to make this tool available for the configure script. As gd is a package with split outputs, we need to add both the library and development outputs.

After building, graphviz can now create pngs.

12.6. The repository expression

Now that we have two packages, we want to combine them into a single repository. To do so, we'll mimic what nixpkgs does: we will create a single attribute set containing derivations. This attribute set can then be imported, and derivations can be selected by accessing the top-level attribute set.

Using this technique we are able to abstract from the file names. Instead of referring to a package by REPO/some/sub/dir/package.nix, this technique allows us to select a derivation as importedRepo.package (or pkgs.package in our examples).

To begin, create a default.nix in the current directory:

  hello = import ./hello.nix; 
  graphviz = import ./graphviz.nix;

This file is ready to use with nix repl:

$ nix repl
nix-repl> :l default.nix
Added 2 variables.
nix-repl> hello
«derivation /nix/store/dkib02g54fpdqgpskswgp6m7bd7mgx89-hello.drv»
nix-repl> graphviz
«derivation /nix/store/zqv520v9mk13is0w980c91z7q1vkhhil-graphviz.drv»

With nix-build, we can pass the [-A] option to access an attribute of the set from the given .nix expression:

$ nix-build default.nix -A hello
$ result/bin/hello
Hello, world!

The default.nix file is special. When a directory contains a default.nix file, it is used as the implicit nix expression of the directory. This, for example, allows us to run nix-build -A hello without specifying default.nix explicitly.

We can now use nix-env to install the package into our user environment:

$ nix-env -f . -iA graphviz
$ dot -V

Taking a closer look at the above command, we see the following options:

  • The [-f] option is used to specify the expression to use. In this case, the expression is the ./default.nix of the current directory.

  • The [-i] option stands for "installation".

  • The [-A] is the same as above for nix-build.

We reproduced the very basic behavior of nixpkgs: combining multiple derivations into a single, top-level attribute set.

12.7. The inputs pattern

The approach we've taken so far has a few problems:

  • First, hello.nix and graphviz.nix are dependent on nixpkgs, which they import directly. A better approach would be to pass in nixpkgs as an argument, as we did in autotools.nix.

  • Second, we don't have a straightforward way to compile different variants of the same software, such as graphviz with or without libgd support.

  • Third, we don't have a way to test graphviz with a particular libgd version.

Until now, our approach to addressing the above problems has been inadequate and required changing the nix expression to match our needs. With the inputs pattern, we provide another answer: let the user change the inputs of the expression.

When we talk about "the inputs of an expression", we are referring to the set of derivations needed to build that expression. In this case:

  • mkDerivation from autotools. Recall that mkDerivation has an implicit dependency on the toolchain.

  • libgd and its dependencies.

The ./src directory is also an input, but we wouldn't change the source from the caller. In nixpkgs we prefer to write another expression for version bumps (e.g. because patches or different inputs are needed).

Our goal is to make package expressions independent of the repository. To achieve this, we use functions to declare inputs for a derivation. For example, with graphviz.nix, we make the following changes to make the derivation independent of the repository and customizable:

{ mkDerivation, lib, gdSupport ? true, gd, pkg-config }:

mkDerivation {
  name = "graphviz";
  src = ./graphviz-2.49.3.tar.gz;
  buildInputs =
    if gdSupport
      then [
          (lib.getLib gd)
          (lib.getDev gd)
      else [];

Recall that "{...}: ..." is the syntax for defining functions accepting an attribute set as argument; the above snippet just defines a function.

We made gd and its dependencies optional. If gdSupport is true (which it is by default), we will fill buildInputs and graphviz will be built with gd support. Otherwise, if an attribute set is passed with gdSupport = false;, the build will be completed without gd support.

Going back to back to default.nix, we modify our expression to utilize the inputs pattern:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  mkDerivation = import ./autotools.nix pkgs;
in with pkgs; {
  hello = import ./hello.nix { inherit mkDerivation; };
  graphviz = import ./graphviz.nix { inherit mkDerivation lib gd pkg-config; };
  graphvizCore = import ./graphviz.nix {
    inherit mkDerivation lib gd pkg-config;
    gdSupport = false;

We factorized the import of nixpkgs and mkDerivation, and also added a variant of graphviz with gd support disabled. The result is that both hello.nix (left as an exercise for the reader) and graphviz.nix are independent of the repository and customizable by passing specific inputs.

If we wanted to build graphviz with a specific version of gd, it would suffice to pass gd = ...;.

If we wanted to change the toolchain, we would simply pass a different mkDerivation function.

Let's talk a closer look at the snippet and dissect the syntax:

  • The entire expression in default.nix returns an attribute set with the keys hello, graphviz, and graphvizCore.

  • With "let", we define some local variables.

  • We bring pkgs into the scope when defining the package set. This saves us from having to type pkgs" repeatedly.

  • We import hello.nix and graphviz.nix, which each return a function. We call the functions with a set of inputs to get back the derivation.

  • The "inherit x" syntax is equivalent to "x = x". This means that the "inherit gd" here, combined with the above "with pkgs;", is equivalent to "gd =".

The entire repository of this can be found at the pill 12 gist.

12.8. Conclusion

The "inputs" pattern allows our expressions to be easily customizable through a set of arguments. These arguments could be flags, derivations, or any other customizations enabled by the nix language. Our package expressions are simply functions: there is no extra magic present.

The "inputs" pattern also makes the expressions independent of the repository. Given that we pass all needed information through arguments, it is possible to use these expressions in any other context.

12.9. Next pill

In the next pill, we will talk about the "callPackage" design pattern. This removes the tedium of specifying the names of the inputs twice: once in the top-level default.nix, and once in the package expression. With callPackage, we will implicitly pass the necessary inputs from the top-level expression.